![[Countdown] Facebook.gif](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8e145a_1e1a005820274fe9bf9a97f025db09b0~mv2.gif/v1/fill/w_980,h_513,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,pstr/8e145a_1e1a005820274fe9bf9a97f025db09b0~mv2.gif)
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2020 is the year for Countdown, a bold, global movement to find ways to shift, more rapidly, to a world with net zero greenhouse emissions and tackle the climate crisis. Countdown will be anchored by a summit of leaders in science, government, business, philanthropy, activism and more, taking place virtually on 10.10.2020. That same week, hundreds of satellite events will be hosted and organized by communities around the world. Many of the practices, ideas and stories shared will be further amplified by TED and YouTube’s global platforms.
In the spirit of “ideas worth spreading,” TED has created TEDx, a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connections. TEDxEncompass HK event is not organized by TED Conferences, but is operated under a license from TED.
今年2020年是一個令人拭目以待的一年。全球正在更全力投入零碳排放和解決氣候變化的行動。現在,這一群在科研、商界、政府、慈善行動、行動主義者等為環保議題火熱的領袖將會在2020年10月10日齊集在Countdown TED talk . 與此同時,全球各地過百組織都會在同一星期舉辦不同的有關活動一同響應。
一如以往,TED 和全球 YouTube 會廣傳各位參與者的經歷和理念。藉着「理念值得廣傳」的精神,TED創立了TEDx,希望藉着自我在地化的平台為參加者帶來「TED」一般的體驗 。透過結合TED Talk 影片和現場講者的話語,TEDx活動希望帶出深層次討論和連結。TEDxEncompass HK (本活動)並非由TED Conferences 舉辦,不過本活動會根據 TED 牌照守則舉辦。

Our earth is counting down with the impending climate crisis. How FAR will you go to reverse this change? How can you make your daily actions count towards the movement to halt climate change?
On 18 October 2020, TEDxEncompassHK Countdown will feature speakers from a wide variety of background to share ideas on how much we can all go to make our individual actions count towards combating climate change. Countdown focuses on five key areas – energy, transport, materials, food and nature. These areas are chosen as areas where actions will have the biggest impact. The event will primarily be conducted in Cantonese.
Join our Count Down, Go Far movement at TEDxEncompassHK. Make your day count, make your actions count for climate change. Together, we can help meet the goal to build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 in the race to a zero-carbon world – a world that is safer, cleaner and fairer for everyone.
TED x EncompassHK 將於10月18日邀請不同背景的嘉賓發表意見,分享我們在日常生活中如何以個人行動對抗氣候變化。今次活動集中在能源、交通、物料、食物與自然環境五個範疇,我們的行動集中在這些將會帶來最大影響的範疇。活動主要以廣東話進行。
時不我待,集千萬人之力,扭轉環境惡化之頹勢。團結起來,以我們的力量,在2030年前減少一半碳排放,建設更安全、清潔、公平的碳中和世界。請參加我們的Count Down. Go Far 運動!
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Our 2020 program
![[Tedx] Introduce all confirmed speaker_E](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6f471d_e9c43ca8611f42ab908a00be81a18f36~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_979,h_979,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BTedx%5D%20Introduce%20all%20confirmed%20speaker_E.png)
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Encompass HK is a social enterprise committed to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We hope through our TEDxEncompassHK event with our theme “Countdown. Go Far”, we’ll be able to drive individual behavioral changes in combating the climate crisis. If you are interested to participate in this event as partner/ sponsor/ volunteer, please message us and stay tuned to our social media channels.
Encompass HK 是一間立足香港,推廣聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs) 的社會企業。我們希望透過這場TEDxEncompassHK 活動,為每位參加者就解決氣候變化問題注入新動力。如果您有興趣參加本活動或者成為義工/合作機構/贊助商,歡迎向我們查詢及追蹤我們的Facebook及Instagram專頁,精彩資訊陸續有來!